
Player Classes
  1. Shared Keys
  2. Crusader
  3. Druid
  4. Outlander
  5. Diviner
  6. Necromancer
  7. Rogue

Monsters of FQ:RotP
  1. Archer
  2. Crossbowman
  3. Reaper
  4. Dark Horror
  5. Common Goarc
  6. Snow Goarc
  7. Wolfy
  8. Common Animals
  9. Fiend
  10. Rager
  11. Elementalists

Player Spells
  1. Life spells
  2. Death spells
  3. Rune

Weapons and Armor
  1. Melee
  2. Thrown
  3. Projectile
  4. Special
  5. Armor

  1. Single play
  2. Co-operative
  3. Deathmatch
  4. Capture

  1. Consumable items
  2. Non-consumable items
  3. Buying and selling
  4. Interacting with NPC's

  1. FQ:RotP FAQ list
  2. Web board support
  3. Report Bugs